Thursday, January 15, 2009

Codes for killers:knowledge of microbes could lead to cures

scientists have deciphered the DNA of a parasites that cause 3 deadly diseases: African sleeping sickness , Chagas' disease, and leishmaniasis. This information could help them find a cure to the diseases that have killed about more than 1 million people each year. The diseases are caused by related protozoa in a group known as trypanosomatids - single celled organisms that are moved back and fourth to at least two hosts , alot of the time a blood-eating insect and a person .It can cause heart,stomach, and brain damage, and can enlarge your spleen and liver.So i think that we need to find something that helps theses kind of diseases because if we don't then alot of people could die from it and thats not good and you never know what happend if you ended up getting it and you were dying from the disease wouldnt you want someone to help you or the scientists find something that would make you better.I know i would.